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April 25, 2024


Posted In: Chiropractor, Pain

While years go by steadily, our bodies age at different rates depending on how we have taken care of the different systems or organs of our body. Most people recognize the signs of aging between 40 and 50, however, the seeds of this aging process start decades before.

Aging can be considered in a number of ways. Each year, we get a little older. This is chronological age. Biological age is a different scale. We all know of someone 50 who looks and acts like they are 70 and at the same time someone who looks and acts like they are in their late 30’s. It is to simple to say that genetics is the answer.

One author stated that as we age we get the 4D’s. These are a disability, discomfort, drugs, and doctors. In general, as we age we see a decrease in muscle and bone mass or density, along with a decrease in water retention and an increase in fat mass.

While years go by steadily, our bodies age at different rates depending on how we have taken care of the different systems or organs of our body.

Most people recognize the signs of aging between 40 and 50, however, the seeds of this aging process start decades before.

Let’s talk about what happens to our bodies in these years.

First, our brain will shrink slightly with an accompanying loss of cognitive skills. We become a little more forgetful and wonder if we are getting Alzheimer’s.

If we don’t already need glasses, our vision begins to suffer as our eye losses its elasticity as well as its ability to accommodate to lower light and distinguish colors especially yellow and blue.

Our hearing begins a gradual decline in the loss of the ability to hear high tones or to listen well when there is a lot of background noise. We also slowly lose our sense of taste and smell which can trick us into wanting way more salt that we should eat to season our food.

Our skin loses its elasticity and becomes thinner. Add to these changes general decrease in functionality to our internal organs like the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver and a general decrease in the ability to produce digestive enzymes and you have a rough idea of the aging process.

Enough of what we all know – as we age we degenerate.


There are many theories behind the aging process. The first centers on chance and includes the topics of oxidation and free radicals. These produce free electrons that attach themselves to our molecular structure and create most if not all of the degenerative conditions found in the body. Another example of this type of aging process is that caused by excess sugar intake that binds to proteins. This glucose or sugar binding then disrupts the ability of the cell to replicate or repair itself. The ravages of diabetes are an example of this type of aging process.

The other great classification is one best described as evolutionary or part of the grand design of nature. This one was started by a phenomenon known as the Hayflick factor. This experiment showed that cells would reproduce themselves about 50 times and then die off. This gave rise to the concept that we have an aging clock in every cell of our body. However, experiments showed that with proper nutritional support, this self-limiting replication limit was easily surpassed. This theory was replaced by one centered around shortening of telomeres. These are the endings of the chromosomes that give the blueprints that our cells need to replicate themselves.

These are just a couple of interesting theories and lot of research in them, but the most important fact in aging is the imporoper functioning nervous system. Even if we have lowered the sugar intake and have done nutritional support, if the nervous system is not operating at 100% then we will only get limited results. Through Chiropractic, the nervous system and alignment of the spine is 100%, then our results will have no limits. Chiropractic will be restoring the function of the body and preventing degenerative joints in the spine to last longer as you age.


You cannot always tell a book by its cover as the saying goes, but you can by its content.

The earliest sign is a lack of vitality. You lose energy quickly and no longer have a sense of well being. In general, you do not enjoy life as much as you used to.

Next to go is your libido. That sex drive of your youth is gone or dramatically reduced.

You start to get muscle aches for no apparent reason and it takes longer to heal from injuries. Along with this, your immune system is weaker and you get more colds and flues and them last longer.

Your figure starts to change; you will either lose or gain over 20 pounds.

Finally, depression and anxiety are on the rise and your whole mental outlook is changed.

While we can’t stop the aging process, it is possible to slow it down and potentially to reverse some effects of our past bad habits and lifestyles.To learn more, contact our Edina chiropractor today.

Zen Chiropractic Inc.