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April 25, 2024


Posted In: Chiropractor

This is a million dollar question. Does Chiropractic care ever end?

Many people are suspicious about Chiropractic care in Edina because in their experiences are that the care never ends. People pay thousands or dollars over the period of time. Their frequency of care doesn’t decrease and the cost keeps mounting up. At one point their most observable results starts to peak and you feel that your health condition is not changing. These are concerns of the public and this concern is very legitimate because they are paying clients that want to get observable results. People should reach their goals when they reach the result they wanted and eventually their chiropractic adjustments should end at a certain point. What is the starting point and how frequent is chiropractic adjustments?

Frequency of Chiropractic adjustments:

Only way to really know how frequent the person has to come in for chiropractic adjustment is determined by how the first chiropractic adjustment has helped the subluxation. Once the initial examination is done, we know what the condition of the person and the first chiropractic adjustment is done. Then the next visit is very important. If the person that was given chiropractic adjustments healed fast then the frequency will be less frequent. If the person healed very slow then the frequency will be more frequent. After several chiropractic adjustments, re-examinations is done to assess the healing progression.

Progession of Chiropractic adjustments:

The progression of chiropractic adjustments depends on the starting point of their health condition. Many people are in pain and they have a lot or problems, but once the pain is gone many people don’t see the reason for continuing chiropractic adjustments. The problem is that many people are not told the damaged areas of the spine will not be stable even after the pain is gone. If people stop the chiropractic adjustments after the pain is gone then the unstable condition will revert back to the original condition and pain eventually. The healing process of damaged areas to be stable takes long period time for the muscles and ligaments.

Once the damaged areas are completely healed the body has more adaptability and healing capability to maintain the spine by themselves. Eventually the nerves are in 100% function, so the frequency of chiropractic adjustments decreases.

End of Chiropractic Adjustment:

There are times when a client comes in to the office and there is no physical evidence of the need to adjust the person’s spine. As long as the chiropractor is always assessing the condition and progress of subluxation, then eventually there will be objective and scientific conclusion that there are no more subluxations. Then there is an end for chiropractic adjustments as long as the person can maintain their good condition. Find a chiropractor that will communicate and educate everyone about their progression and condition of subluxation will give the answer you seek.

How long this will take, how frequent the chiropractic adjustments are, and how much it will cost.

Zen Chiropractic Inc.